Search Results for: ucla

Tara Prescott–Johnson

Dr. Tara Prescott-Johnson is a Continuing Lecturer in Writing Programs, where she oversees the training and mentorship of graduate student English Composition 3 instructors. Her research interests include writing pedagogy,…

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Shelby Popham

Shelby Popham has a doctorate in Comparative Literature (English, French, Italian).  She received her M.A. and Ph.D. from UCLA, and studied at the Université de Grenoble, France for a year. …

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Nathan Deuel

Nathan Deuel holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Tampa and a B.A. in Literatures in English from Brown University. He attended Deep Springs College, where he…

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Michele Moe

Dr. Michele Moe studied literary and cultural theory at Carnegie Mellon University and earned her PhD in 1999 with a dissertation on class analysis and public/private sphere relationships in early…

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Mary Samuelson

Mary Samuelson completed her Ph.D. and MA degrees in Cinema and Media Studies at UCLA and did her undergraduate work in Cinema-Television and English Literature at USC. She teaches both…

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Liz Galvin Lew

Liz Galvin Lew has a Ph.D. in Social Sciences and Comparative Education from UCLA, and an M.Ed. in Teaching Second Languages and Cultures from the University of Minnesota. She has…

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Lauri Mattenson

Lauri Mattenson is a Lecturer with UCLA Writing Programs. As a Mellon-EPIC fellow (Excellence in Pedagogy and Innovative Classrooms), she works collaboratively across disciplines to create new undergraduate courses in…

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Laurel Westrup

Laurel Westrup holds a B.A. in Communication from UC San Diego, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Cinema and Media Studies from UCLA. She joined Writing Programs full time in…

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Jeremy Kelley

Jeremy Kelley completed his doctoral studies in applied linguistics at UCLA in 2013, where he trained as an ethnographer and critical discourse analyst. Before earning his PhD, he completed undergraduate…

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Jennifer Westbay

With a Ph.D. degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where one of her study emphases was Victorian prose, Jennifer Westbay currently teaches first-year (Writing I)…

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