To infinity and beyond…college. We all love being geeks and these people can help us stay geeks forever! Come discover how you can turn your geek passion into a career,…
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Undergraduate Courses
Entry-Level | Writing I | Writing II/GE | Upper-Division Electives | Professional Writing Minor Entry-Level Writing Requirement Courses Writing I Requirement Courses Writing II and GE Courses Upper-Division Electives…
Read More“Hike Your Own Hike” TEDxUCLA Talk by Dr. Tara Prescott
Universities are interesting places. For hundreds of years we have been structured with distinct schools, departments, disciplines, focuses and tracks, all built to move you into one of these narrow…
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UCLA Writing Programs does much for undergraduates, graduate students, and the broader community: We teach courses that have a clear impact on student success both within and outside of the…
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Writing Programs representatives serve on academic support and advisory committees with the Office of Residential Life, the Academic Advancement Program, New Student & Transition Programs, the Diversity Requirement Ad Hoc Committee, and…
Read MoreLiz Galvin Lew
Liz Galvin Lew has a Ph.D. in Social Sciences and Comparative Education from UCLA, and an M.Ed. in Teaching Second Languages and Cultures from the University of Minnesota. She has…
Read MoreThomas Hitchner
Tom Hitchner has been a Writing Programs instructor since 2014. His classes approach shared cultural phenomena, such as food or popular music, and develop different forms and genres of writing…
Read MoreShelby Popham
Shelby Popham has a doctorate in Comparative Literature (English, French, Italian). She received her M.A. and Ph.D. from UCLA, and studied at the Université de Grenoble, France for a year. …
Read MoreLiz Galvin Lew
Liz Galvin Lew has a Ph.D. in Social Sciences and Comparative Education from UCLA, and an M.Ed. in Teaching Second Languages and Cultures from the University of Minnesota. She has…
Read MoreGreg Rubinson
Greg Rubinson studied British literature as an undergraduate at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. He graduated from there with honors in 1992 and returned to the U.S. where…
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