Yingliang Elvin He

Yingliang Elvin He holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and an M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language, both obtained from The Pennsylvania State University. He has taught undergraduate-level writing courses and international graduate TA training courses. He has also given workshops on a variety of aspects of graduate-level research writing. His primary research focus lies in understanding the intricacies of actions and practices in L2 teaching and learning through examination of classroom interactions using conversation analysis. Beyond this primary area, he pursues research interests in Sociocultural Theory based L2 pedagogy, as well as Conceptual Metaphor Theory. His recent publications include:
Hall, J. K., He, Y., & Khor, S. Y. (2023). The practical nature of L2 teaching. Routledge.
Wang, T., & He, Y. (2021). Teaching domain-based figurative expressions: Designing and implementing CL-informed SCOBAs. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 8(1), 120-151.
Looney, S. D., & He, Y. (2020). Laughter and smiling: sequential resources for managing delayed and disaligning responses. Classroom Discourse, 1-25.