Changing Courses

Students who have been advised to adjust their program of study will need to log into their MyUCLA account and complete the necessary course changes. To accomplish this task:

  1. Go to the main homepage for MyUCLA (
  2. Log in to your account
  3. Click on the “CLASSES” header in the dark blue banner above
  4. Visually locate the second column in this header. It is titled “Enrollment”
  5. Click on the appropriate link and complete the enrollment process. Note that official course numbers may be required, and these can be attained on the schedule of classes located on the registrar’s homepage.
  6. Please note that we suggest adding a class and reviewing your program of study to ensure that it is updated before you drop a class.

Students can also contact UCLA’s Summer Sessions office directly for help in adding and dropping courses. For assistance in such matters please call (310) 825-4101, or email Summer Sessions at