First-Year & Writing II Course Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes — First-Year Writing Course Sequence & Writing II Courses
craftwork (noun): work usually done by hand that exhibits artistry and individuality (Webster’s Dictionary)
A spirit of practical excellence animates UCLA Writing Programs’ first-year course sequence (Entry Level Writing & Writing I) and Writing II courses These courses position writing as an act of making, an instance of doing, one which requires a keen problem-solving intelligence and a wide-ranging, flexible knowledge of the language. Within this broad remit, our first-year course sequence and our Writing II courses feature reading and writing tasks that increase in length and complexity, while leading students to write with more confidence.
The specific learning outcomes described below are consistent with national disciplinary standards, as outlined by the Council of Writing Program Administrators. These outcomes can be classified under two umbrella categories: principles of making (Craft – Rhetoric, Concepts & Conventions) and methods for doing (Work – Process). This framework reflects the practice-oriented nature of our program and allows our faculty, whose backgrounds and instructional approaches are eclectic, to teach writing in innovative ways.