Spring 2025 Cluster Student Enrollment in Eng Comp 3/3D
- If you are a Cluster student, follow these steps to enroll in English Composition 3/3D for Spring 2025: Log onto MyUCLA and check your Degree Audit to confirm the writing course that you are required to take (EC 3/3D to satisfy Writing I).
- If you wish to enroll in English Comp. 3 or 3D, go to this form no earlier than 12 a.m. on Thursday, February 13th (Thursday of Week 6). The deadline for completing the form is Thursday, February 20th at 11:59PM (start of 2nd pass enrollment). Spaces are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. (Note: Requests submitted to this form before Thurs. 2/13/24 will NOT be considered.)
- The form will ask you to provide your name, email and University ID (no dashes or spaces) and list the top five times (5) you are available and wish to take EC 3 or 3D lectures in order of preference.
Check your Spring 2025 study list during your second pass- The Writing Programs office will enroll you during second pass. (Note: please do NOT enroll in the Eng. Comp course during first pass.)
- If you are not enrolled in an EC 3/3D section by Friday, March 14th, please contact the Writing Programs Office directly for further instructions. Our email is wpinfo@humnet.ucla.edu.
- You must leave enough room in your Spring 2025 course list to add 5 more units. If the addition of Eng. Comp 3/3D, which is 5 units, will put you over your unit maximum for the quarter, the system will not let us enroll you, and you will lose your saved space in the Eng Comp course. Also, if you have any holds on your record, the system will not allow us to enroll you, and you will lose your saved space in the Eng Comp course.
- Note 1 — If you fill out the form, please do not use your first pass to enroll in an Eng Comp course. However, if you decide to use your first pass to enroll in the Eng Comp course even after filling out the form, please contact us by February 20th, 2025. Our email is wpinfo@humnet.ucla.edu. If we discover that you have used your first pass to enroll in an English Comp. course, we will disregard anything you have put on the form.
- Note 2 — We assume that if you fill out the form to reserve a spot in a Spring 2025 section of EC 3/3D, you plan to enroll in the Cluster course in Spring 2025. If you do not enroll in the Cluster in Spring 2025, you may lose your spot in the Eng Comp course so that we can accommodate students who need the course to satisfy Writing I and Writing II by completing all 3 quarters of a Cluster course.
- Note 3 — We will endeavor to place you in a section that meets during one of the preferred time slots you have selected. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be enrolled in a section during one of your selected time slots because we have many student requests to accommodate. Therefore, we suggest that you fill out the form soon after it opens and vary your preferences to cover several day/time combinations. Since our process is first-come, first-served, if none of your choices remain when we get to your form, we will follow up with all sections that still have room for you to enroll and request that you choose from one of them.
- Note 4 — You will be contacted by either wpinfo@humnet.ucla.edu or shosegera@humnet.ucla.edu . PLEASE WATCH FOR OUR EMAILS & RESPOND IN A TIMELY MANNER.