TOP Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What do I do if I get an error message on the registration page? 
    This occurs if 1) registration is not yet open for the next administration, 2) you did not register at least 24 hours prior to your desired exam time OR 3) no more exam appointments are available. If you have confirmed registration is open and you receive this notification, please email the TOP coordinator (
  2. How do I get my exam score?
    Your exam score will be sent to the email address provided at registration (typically within 7-10 business days of your exam). If for any reason you don’t receive your score after 10 business days, please e-mail the TOP coordinator (
  3. How does my department (or a department I want to TA for) get my score?
    Your exam score will be sent by email to your department (and other departments you designated when registering), typically within 5 business days after your exam.
  4. How can I learn more about my exam performance?
    We highly recommend that test takers who receive a non-passing or provisional pass score make a counseling appointment after their exam. During the appointment, a member of the TOP team will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your test performance so that you can get advice about which ESL class(es) to enroll in, improve your English skills for your TA duties, and/or learn how you can perform better the next time you take the exam (for non-passing test takers only). Please email the TOP Coordinator to set up a counseling appointment (
    Note: Counseling is not available to test takers who receive a Clear Pass score on the TOP.
  5. What happens if I fail and I need to take the exam again?
    We suggest that you meet with a member of the TOP team to receive counseling regarding your exam performance before taking the exam again. You can register to take the exam again as soon as the exam registration page is up. Students who receive a Provisional Pass may not take the exam again unless a Clear Pass is required by his or her department. The TOP is free to students the 1st and 2nd time they take it. For the 3rd and subsequent times, the cost is $50 per exam (billed to the student’s BAR account within one month of the exam date). Please email the TOP Coordinator to set up a counseling appointment (
  6. What do I do if I want to file an exemption request for the TOP?
    The TOP office does not grant exemptions for the TOP. If you would like to file an exemption request, you and your department must do so through Graduate Division.
  7. What if I have more questions?
    If you have other questions, feel free to contact the TOP Coordinator by email (