Search Results for: ucla

Course Offerings

About our Summer English Language Courses The UCLA Summer ESL Program offers a range of courses designed to meet the demands of our international student population. Our program understands that…

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TOP Exam Schedule & Registration

Test of Oral Proficiency (TOP) International graduate students who plan to work as teaching assistants are subject to an oral proficiency requirement in English. The UCLA Test of Oral Proficiency…

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Summer ESL Program

Welcome to the UCLA Summer ESL Program! We offer a range of English courses that are designed to help students meet their English language needs in small, intimate classrooms that…

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Academic Year ESL

UCLA brings students and faculty together from around the world. In this stimulating, intellectual environment, your ability to share what you know—in writing and in speech—is foundational to your participation…

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Graduate Writing Center

The Graduate Writing Center is an entirely free resource for graduate and professional school students at UCLA. Students can sign up for 50-minute appointments with writing consultants to receive help…

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TA Training

UCLA Writing Programs has become a leader in training graduate students from many disciplines how to teach writing. In fact, our Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy is an outgrowth of…

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Professional Writing Minor

The UCLA Professional Writing Minor is hosted by the Department of English in collaboration with Writing Programs. Students take classes designed to strengthen their writing skills with an emphasis on…

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions Writing Assistance Undergraduate Students International Graduate Students Writing Courses Writing Pedagogy Job Opportunities Writing Programs Faculty

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About Us

Writing Programs is a part of the Humanities Division within UCLA’s College of Letters and Science.

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Students who succeed in the competitive undergraduate and graduate programs of UCLA draw on highly sophisticated writing and communication skills. Whether you are an enrolled student with a writing requirement,…

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