Informed Placement Process (IPP) FAQs

How can I submit transcripts from UC transfer approved college courses?

Please visit the UCLA undergraduate admissions website located here. The link will give you details on how to submit the students transcripts to the UCLA Registrar’s office for review and processing.

How do I submit my SAT scores to satisfy the Entry-Level Writing Requirement?

Please send your scores through College Board to UCLA and we will have access to them, and your ELWR will be satisfied.

How do I submit proof of my fee waiver for the AWPE?

Please upload a screenshot proving your UC applications were waived when registering for the IPP.

How do I submit my AP scores to satisfy the Entry-Level Writing Requirement?

Please send your scores through College Board to UCLA and we will have access to them, and your ELWR will be satisfied.

How do I submit my ACT scores to satisfy the Entry-Level Writing Requirement?

Please send your ACT scores through this website.

How do I submit my IB scores to satisfy the Entry-Level Writing Requirement?

Please send your IB scores through this website.

How do I know if I need to complete the IPP as an incoming freshman?

In order to verify that you can waive the IPP, please make sure you have one of these: 680 SAT score, 30 on ACT English Language Arts, 63 on the ACT English Plus Reading, 3 on AP English, or 5 IB score. Otherwise please sign up for an exam date on our website.

Is it possible to complete the IPP more than once?

Unfortunately, you cannot redo the IPP.

How long does it take for the first-year writing course placements to be released?

It takes approximately 2-3 weeks for placements to be released.

Are there any preparation materials for the IPP?

We do not have any preparation materials.
Just show us your best writing!

I recently sent my AP exam score from the English Literature and Composition exam, in which I scored a 3. I’m not sure if the university will receive my score before the next administration of the IPP, so I was wondering if I would still have to complete the IPP on June 24?

We will eventually receive your AP score.

You do not need to complete the IPP.

Can I complete the IPP without attending New Student Orientation?

You can complete the IPP without attending orientation.

Just make sure to sign up for an exam date.

When will I receive directions on how to complete the IPP?

You will receive an email 48 hours before the IPP administration date.

Are there any accommodations or exceptions to complete the IPP on a different date/time?

We are not giving any accommodations or exceptions to complete the IPP on a different date/time. Please make sure to take it at your earliest convenience.

Is the IPP administered online? Also, is it only available/administered for its specific scheduled time frame?

The IPP is only administered online and within the

set time frame scheduled.

As of now, I do not have scores to satisfy my entry level writing requirement. However I took the AP English Literature and Composition Exam this past month. Do you recommend I wait to complete the IPP and find out my scores or just do the IPP on the test date I signed up for?

If you feel confident that you passed your AP exam, then you do not need to complete the IPP. Otherwise, we strongly suggest

you take the exam.

How can I know if a community college course I took in high school is transferable to UCLA?

Please use to check if the community college course transfers to UCLA. If the course is transferable, then they should send their transcripts to UCLA Undergraduate Admissions.

Can I cancel my registration for the IPP?

Yes, we cancel your registration on our end.

Could you please provide me with more information on how I can complete the Entry Level Writing requirement or direct me to someone who can assist me with this matter?

Our writing requirements are sequential. You need to satisfy ELWR before Writing I and Writing 1 before Writing II. So, in order to satisfy the ELWR you would need to complete the IPP. Here is more information on how to register.

What are the possible placements that I could be put into after completing the IPP?

There are three main placements that you might get put in after completing the IPP. English Composition 1 (EC 1), English Composition 2 (EC 2), or English Composition 3 (EC 3).

What class do I need to take to satisfy my Writing I Requirement?

If you place in EC 1, you will need to take EC 1, 2, and 3 to satisfy Writing I. If you place in EC 2, you will need to take EC 2 and 3. Finally, if you place in EC 3, then you will only need to take that class to satisfy your Writing I Requirement.

What happens if I can’t make it to, or need to change, the IPP administration date I signed up for?

If you are unable to complete the IPP on the date you registered for, or if you need to change the date, please email Writing Programs at

I completed the IPP. Where can I find my results?

Once 2-3 weeks have gone by, you can check your Degree Audit Report System (DARS) for your results. Run a new audit, and your placement should appear there under “Entry Level Writing/ESL Requirement.”

How is the IPP evaluated and how are first-year writing course placements determined?

Each IPP essay response is evaluated by at least one faculty reader who measures it against a rubric to determine a recommended first-year writing course for the student writer. If the faculty reader’s placement matches the student’s course preference, then that student is placed in their preferred course. If the faculty reader determines a different placement is appropriate from what the student preferred, then a second faculty reader will read the student’s IPP essay response and determine which first-year writing course best suits the student’s abilities.

I have a question about the IPP or ELWR that is not listed here. What should I do?

Please feel free to email us at and we will do our best to answer your questions!

Can I appeal my IPP result?

The placement result is final unless you have met the ELWR in some other way. You must submit your qualifying scores or final college transcript to the UCLA Office of Admissions in order to fulfill the ELWR. If you continue to feel that you were placed in the wrong course and would like to request a review of your placement, please complete our appeal questionnaire before September 6, 2024.